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Course Introduction

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Getting Started with Active Directory Domain Services

• 52min

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Introduction to Active Directory Users & Computers

• 1hr 27min

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Adding a Second Domain Controller

• 1hr 31min

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Active Directory Backups

• 1hr 24min

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How to Administrate Active Directory with Windows PowerShell

• 1hr 58min

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Administrating AD SS (Active Directory Sites and Services)

• 1hr 3min

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Active Directory Trusts

• 54min

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Modifying the Active Directory Schema

• 43min

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Course Conclusion

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Lab: ADUC PowerShell Automation


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Eric Gonzales(@eric-gonzales)
2 years ago

The .CSV file’s OU is pointing to Instructor Paul. Must update the OU path within the .CSV file.

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Ricardo P(@ricardop)
Reply to  Eric Gonzales
2 years ago

Thank you profile avatar Eric Gonzales for posting.
We will be updating the file.

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Ricardo P(@ricardop)
Reply to  Eric Gonzales
2 years ago

The CSV file on the Desktop has been updated to match the OU path.
Thanks for the feedback.

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2 years ago

I’m trying the PowerShell lab and the first question about “Set PowerShell Script Execution Policy to Unrestricted” is already set to “Not Configured” in both places. Am I missing something???

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Ricardo P(@ricardop)
Reply to  jamese
2 years ago

Hi profile avatar James Estrella
It is just to practice setting the execution policy to something other than not configured.

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2 years ago

My “Hello World” Script is running even when saved to the C Drive

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Ricardo P(@ricardop)
Reply to  jamese
2 years ago

That’s ok, you can execute any other scripts if you like in the lab.

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2 years ago

The first ? in the lab. My “Turn on Script Execution” is set to Not configured on both. Is there something I’m missing??

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Ricardo P(@ricardop)
Reply to  jamese
2 years ago

No, there’s nothing you’re missing profile avatar James Estrella that’s how it is in the lab.

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Reply to  Ricardo P
2 years ago

It happened to me too. When you open the Lab in the AD “Turn on Script Execution” is already set to “Not configured” on both computer and user configuration therefore it defeats the lab practice question which ask the student to again set them to “Not Configured’. I think the Lab should have “enabled/disabled” it so that we (students) can set them to “Not Configured” in order to get our score.

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Ricardo P(@ricardop)
Reply to  nathans2
2 years ago

Hi profile avatar Nathan Sackey

That’s correct, we missed that part. We have updated the lab to reflect them as configured when doing rsop.msc. Check it out again and do let us know if you have any issues with it.


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2 years ago

how to install rsop.msc?

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Ricardo P(@ricardop)
Reply to  victoriav
2 years ago

Hi profile avatar Victoria Vyedina

rsop.msc is part of the Windows server operating system. It should show up if you type in the search box rsop.msc.

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2 years ago

Hello. I can’t access the lab — no connection can be established. Can you please help?

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Ricardo P(@ricardop)
Reply to  pavelz
2 years ago

Hi profile avatar Pavel Zarva

We have checked the lab and seem to be online. Can you try again? If you have an issue please post a screenshot.


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2 years ago

The first task, Set PowerShell Script Execution Policy to Unrestricted, I follow the instructions (rsop.msc, etc) but after clicking on administrative templates then clicking on Windows Components, there isn’t a PowerShell choice, only a windows update

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Ricardo P(@ricardop)
Reply to  jjmm
2 years ago

Hi profile avatar Jjmm

We have seen your comment and have updated the lab to reflect the changes in rsop.msc. Please try it again and do let us know if you have any issues.


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1 year ago
  1. ADUC PowerShell Automation Use this lab to practice your Active Directory Users and Computers automation skills with Windows PowerShell. Set PowerShell Script Execution Policy to Unrestricted List AD Users with a PowerShell script in 2 lines of code and save to C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\ListUsers.ps1 Write a PowerShell Script to Create AD User Accounts from a CSV file located on the Desktop and save to C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\CreateUsers.ps1 Disable some user accounts using Active Directory Users and Computers Use PowerShell to move those users to a disabled users OU Open IT Lab
  2. [
  3. 6:00 AM
  4. ]
  5. I have tried to complete this lab multiple times but righ now I am having trouble with the BOLDED section above. I have try multiple times and I think that I am doing everything right. It appears to me that I have follow all steps but I can not get a green on the lab tester.
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Ricardo P(@ricardop)
Reply to  josem4
1 year ago

Hi profile avatar Jose Mattey

In this step, the task is to create a new PowerShell script based on the Creating User Accounts lesson from a CSV (Comma Separated Value) File. The CSV file to use is the one on the desktop. The new script should be stored on C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\ with the name of CreateUsers.ps1. The step also checks the file size to be 1100KB or less.
In summary, the evaluation script checks for the name and location of the ps1 file and if it is less than 1100KB.

Let us know if there’s any issue with this step to review it.


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1 year ago

Not sure what Im doing wrong. On the first lab task I created the ListUsers.ps1…put it in the correct place and it worked. Continued to tell me that it wasnt created in the correct place.Not really sure what I did. Had some other people look at it and they thought everything looked correct. Any tricks Im missing?

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Ricardo P(@ricardop)
Reply to  aarons3
1 year ago

Hi profile avatar Aaron Salazar

The first evaluation step is looking for the ListUsers.ps1 file script under C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\. It doesn’t matter the case but should be named ListUsers.ps1, otherwise the evaluation fails. Also, it can fail if it has an extension like ListUsers.ps1.txt in case the extension is hidden by the OS it might be misleading and show ListUsers.ps1.


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1 year ago

I wasn’t able to find the “Disable User” option in Active Directory.

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Ricardo P(@ricardop)
Reply to  Yusef
1 year ago

Hi profile avatar Mister Lewis

Just select the user account and right-click it and select Disable Account.


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1 year ago

Unfortunately I have many problems with this lab. First no iso was inserted then the problem was solved. The next problem is that the lab just freezes after 20 minutes.

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Ricardo P(@ricardop)
Reply to  horstb
1 year ago

Hi profile avatar Horst Bornschein-Grolms

I understand what you mean, this lab is quite challenging, but I see you’ve completed it.

Not sure why the lab froze on you, but restarting the virtual machine can make it work. You are right the ISO is not inserted into the virtual machine. If you still need help do let us know.

Thanks for reporting your issues.


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1 year ago

Hi, I was only given 30 minutes which was not enough time because I had to debug some issues and only got one 15 minute extension which again was not enough time. Please give us more time and more extensions to figure this lab out.

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Ricardo P(@ricardop)
Reply to  Jmorrow
1 year ago

Hi profile avatar Jmorrow

We have extended 15 minutes on the time for you to complete the lab.


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1 year ago

Hello, I am really struggling with the lab work:

Write a PowerShell Script to Create AD User Accounts from a CSV file located on the Desktop and save to C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\CreateUsers.ps1

What Am I exactly to do? On following the instructions and pressing the Play button to execute the script as in an example screenshot below, I am to enter the CSV file that contains the new user accounts.

When I enter the file path which I believe is C:\Users\Administrator\Destop\NewUsers-1551728379489,the script should execute for instance, and am getting error attached.

Is it just enough to write the script and save C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\CreateUsers.ps1 which I have tried and I got it correct but no users were created in Active Directory.

Any help to get over this taks?

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Ricardo P(@ricardop)
Reply to  emmanuela2
1 year ago

Hi profile avatar Emmanuela2

Basically create the script to create the users which are on the file. It is basically taken from the lesson Creating User Accounts from a CSV (Comma Separated Value) File. You can start building the script step by step as described there on the lesson.


profile avatar
10 months ago

Hello, just trying the create users from the CSV file, i have got it to run and the users are being created and been able to run it 3 times, but the marking system on the right is saying that the file doesn’t exist as seen in the screenshot that i have attached

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Ricardo P(@ricardop)
Reply to  johnt5
10 months ago

Hi profile avatar John Thorne,

Let me check what’s going on and get back to you as I see the path is ok.

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Ricardo P(@ricardop)
Reply to  johnt5
10 months ago

You can try again. The path is correct. I just modified the evaluation script to evaluate the size of the file.

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3 months ago

Had issues running the script to create the users from the csv file. When it asks for the path to the file, it said access was denied. I had to change the script to include the path like seen below for it to actually run and create the users. Not sure if anyone else experienced this issue.

# Import the AD Module
Import-Module ActiveDirectory

# Get the path to our target CSV file
$filepath = “C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\NewUsers-1551728379489.csv” #what I had to change

# Import the CSV as an array
$users = Import-CSV $filepath

# Complete an action for each user in the CSV file
ForEach ($user in $users) {
  # Do this for each user
  New-ADUser     -Name ($user.'First Name' + " " + $user.'Last Name')
    -GivenName $user.’First Name’     -Surname $user.'Last Name'
    -UserPrincipalName ($user.’First Name’ + “.” + $user.’Last Name’)     
-AccountPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString "P@$$w0rd123" -AsPlainText -Force)

    -Description $user.Description     -EmailAddress $user.'Email Address'
    -Title $user.’Job Title’     -OfficePhone $user.'Office Phone'
    -Path $user.’Organizational Unit’     -ChangePasswordAtLogon 1
    -Enabled ([System.Convert]::ToBoolean($user.Enabled))

Last edited 3 months ago by Brucej
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Ricardo P(@ricardop)
Reply to  brucej
3 months ago

Hi profile avatar Brucej,

It might have been the path or permissions that were the issue. Since defining the full path, it was not permissions, I assume. You can try testing the path with Test-Path $filepath or from another location.


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6 days ago

Can you tell me why this is failing? I created a User’sps1 in the Desktop location, and it fails. I attached a screen shot of my script, and showing the csv file in the Desktop.

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Ricardo P(@ricardop)
Reply to  derekn
5 days ago

Hi profile avatar Derek Noe

I have seen your question.
Let me check the lab evaluation scripts and I will let you know what’s the issue.


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Reply to  Ricardo P
2 days ago

Thank you! I still cannot get it to pass.