How to Create Multiple Folders on the Host Machine using Powershell Answer
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How to Create Multiple Folders using PowerShell
In this lecture we will use a PowerShell one-liner that uses a pipeline to create ten new directories (folders) on the C: drive. Go ahead and copy and paste the command.
Here is the Command:
1..10 | ForEach-Object { New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path "C:\folders\Folder$_" }
Now I’ll break down the script step by step:
1..10: This is a PowerShell range operator (..). It generates a sequence of numbers from 1 to 10. So, it produces the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10.
| (pipe symbol): This is used to pipe the output of the range (the sequence of numbers) to the next command.
ForEach-Object: This cmdlet is used to process each element of the input sequence (in this case, the sequence of numbers generated by 1..10) one by one.
{} These curly braces denote a script block, which contains the code that will be executed for each element in the sequence.
New-Item: This cmdlet is used to create a new item (in this case, directories or folders) in the file system.
-ItemType Directory: This specifies that you want to create a new directory (folder). -ItemType is set to "Directory" to indicate the type of item to create.
-Path "C:\folders\Folder$_": This specifies the path where the new directory will be created. It uses "C:\folders\Folder$_" as the path. Here, $_ is a special variable in PowerShell that represents the current item in the pipeline (in this case, the numbers from the range). So, for each number in the range, it creates a directory with a name like "C:\folders\Folder1", "C:\folders\Folder2", and so on.
Now, let’s go ahead and run the one-liner and check the results. Open explorer to the C: drive and you see that the folder called “Folders” was created, and in that directory there are ten folders.
In summary, this script generates a sequence of numbers from 1 to 10 and, for each number in the sequence, creates a new directory on the C: drive with a name that includes the number. After running this script, you will have ten new directories named "Folder1" through "Folder10" in the "C:\folders" directory. Of course if you want only 5 folders you can change 1..10 to 1..5
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