Help System Lab Answers 5-9
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- Question number five
Using the Clear-history command.
The question is from the console pane, type the command Get-history. Let's go ahead and do that. Ok now press return. And this shows all the commands that we've typed into the console. So, what we want to do is we want to use the clear-history command and only delete the first command and the last command. Ok, let's get a little help with Clear-History get-help Clear-history -showwindow. So, we want to delete the first and the last command. Ok so, we don't want to delete all the commands yet, the command deletes all commands from the session. History example to delete commands by using history IDs. Ok, let's go ahead and scroll up. Here's our history IDs, so, that sounds like that's what we want to do. Let's go ahead and try it. So, go ahead and type Clear-History space -ID. And we want 1 and a comma space, and our last command is, in this case, is 45. Go ahead and put in 45 and now hit return. Type get-history again. And you can see that number 1 and number 45 are gone. Ok, so that worked. Now the second part of the question says now clear all the commands.
Ok, so we want to just type in clear-history and press return. Now go ahead and type get-history and see what's there and as you can see that cleared all the commands from our history.
- Now question number 6.
We're going to be using get-Alias.
The question is using this command, how can you figure out the alias of get-service? Ok, so, we want to do is get some help on get-alias type get-help ok, now type get-alias type -showwindow and return. Now using this command how can you figure out the alias for get-service. So, let's look down through here. Example 1 get all of the aliases, no we don't want that get aliases by name. Ok, let's try that one, because we want the alias for get-service so, we could use a wildcard here so, let's try get-alias -name G asterisk. Type get-alias and -name and there it is there and g, for get-service and asterisk now press return and here we go. Great, let's go ahead and close this there is the alias GSV for get-service.
- Question number 7
How would you start and stop the BITS service and see the result. You won't find the answer in the examples. So how would you find the command? Let's use some wildcards. We know that to get-command would display every cmdlet on the computer and we also, know that BITS is a service that runs on the computer.
Let's go ahead and type get-command, and we'll use a wildcard, asterisk we know we're going to use service. Look at all the commands that have the word service in it. And let's take a look id there anything here that we want.
The question was we want to start and stop the BITS service. Start-service, stop-service. All right so, let's go ahead and try that first let's go ahead and type get-service. Take a look at BITS, and we've seen this before and there's BITS, Background intelligent transfer service, but we can see that it's currently stopped. So, go ahead and type start-service We want to type BITS. Hit return it looks like it did something but nothing was displayed.
Ok so, here's one thing I haven't we haven't talked about yet. That is the parameter -passthru. The -passthru parameter let you request output from cmdlet's that return no output by default. Let's go ahead and try that again, and this time we'll type -passthru. Return and press return again. And there is our output. And now we can see the status of BITS is now running. Ok so, let's go ahead and stop that service this time. Ok, and we want to go back and type stop this time and press return. Ok. And now you can see the status of BITS is stopped.
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For the last question, why use the Get-Alias command instead of (Get-Command -CommandType Alias | Measure-object)? Using this method you will get 265?
Matthew Stricker
Very good point you have there and I was looking at why the command you suggests bring more aliases.
The Get-Alias command retrieves all aliases for the current session, displaying the cmdlet and the alias name. The Get-Command lists cmdlets that are somehow “there” but not loaded and not runnable. I tried typing a couple from down the list and were not executing. So I believe the first one is runnable aliases for your sessions and the Get-Command might be system aliases that are part of the system.
for question number 6 i used example number 3 instead of 2 to find it a bit faster.
get-alias -definition get-service
it only outputs needed alias.