
0/1 Lessons

Course Introduction

• 5min

0 / 2 lessons complete

Getting Started with Windows PowerShell

• 56min

0 / 8 lessons complete

Getting Help and Finding Commands

• 39min

0 / 6 lessons complete

PowerShell Command Syntax

• 33min

0 / 5 lessons complete

PowerShell Objects and Properties

• 35min

0 / 6 lessons complete

The PowerShell Pipeline

• 24min

0 / 2 lessons complete

PowerShell Providers

• 30min

0 / 5 lessons complete

PowerShell Arrays and Variables

• 28min

0 / 4 lessons complete

PowerShell Loops

• 19min

0 / 3 lessons complete

PowerShell Conditional Statements

• 11min

0 / 1 lessons complete

On Premises Lab Setup

• 36min

0 / 8 lessons complete

Basic Domain Administration with Windows PowerShell

• 2hr 27min

0 / 10 lessons complete

Send Emails with PowerShell

• 22min

0 / 2 lessons complete

PowerShell Desired State Configuration (DSC) Basics

• 1hr 48min

0 / 6 lessons complete

PowerShell Modules

• 58min

0 / 7 lessons complete

Powershell Challenges

• 1hr 55min

0 / 23 lessons complete

Course Conclusion

• 1min

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Answers to Questions 1-7 O-P-M


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In this lecture we’re going to review the questions and answers from the Objects, Properties and Methods section.

  1. Q: What are objects?
  2. Answer: 

Objects are things that we can interact with. For example: Like a boat or a car. Technically an object is the programmatic representation of anything. For example, an object is a cmdlet like get-eventlog or get-service .

  1. Q: What two components do objects have?
  2. Answer: 

Properties and Methods

Properties describe features

Methods describe actions or things that we can do with the object.

  1. Q: In our car example describe one of the properties or features of the car
  2. Answer: 


  1. Q: In our car example describe one of methods or actions (Things that you can do with one of the properties or features of the car.
  2. Answer: 

Turn on the headlights

  1. Q: How can you display the property or methods of a command?
  2. Answer:

By using the get-member command

  1. Q: Using methods, how would you kill an instance of Internet Explorer?
  2. Answer:

First open Internet Explorer and minimize to the taskbar.

Now we want to determine first is Internet Explorer a service or a process

Type get-service -name (now scroll down though the list) List is in alphabetical order) We see that IE is not in the list.

  • Type get-process -name (scroll down through the list) and we see iexplore
  • So now we know that iexplore is a process

Now we’ll use get-member to find our method

Type get-process | gm  press return

Scroll up until you see a method,that could kill a process. And we see we have kill.

I’ll go ahead and type the command then explain what I did.

Type (get-process iexplore).kill()

  • If you want to use the method of an object. Use GM and choose the method. 
  • In this case we surrounded the command (get-process) and the process called iexplore in parenthesis 
  • then used a dot then the method (which was kill) followed by open and closed parenthesis

Go ahead and press return, and we’ll see if IE closes

And we see that command worked.

  1. Q: Using methods of an object,  how would you copy the contents of a file called servers.csv from, a folder called copyA to a folder called copyB.
  • Answer:First open windows explorer and create the two folders called copyA and copyB. Close explorer
  • Open notepad and type the following text

DNS Servers (return)



Domain Controllers




  • Click file save as, save as type, click the down arrow and click all files.

Now for a filename type servers.csv and save this file to the copyA folder.

Close notepad, go back out to explorer and double check to be sure our file is there. and go to c:\copya and there’s our file.

  • So, the question was, we want to copy the contents of the servers.csv file from the copyA folder to the copyB folder. 

So, the first question you should have, is how are you going to figure out which commands to use? I’m glad you asked

  • When you began the lecture there was an additional resource that you should have downloaded called Technet PowerShell Commands and aliases. 
  • Go ahead and open this file. Notice there are a whole list of cmdlets with descriptions and aliases.

Let’s Scroll down and find a command in the list that we think that will work. 

So, in this case we’ll use get-childitem, and the description says that the command gets the files and folders in a file system drive.

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1 year ago

I do not have access to the resource mentioned in this lesson “Technet Powershell Commands and Aliases.” Can you help with this please?

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Ricardo P(@ricardop)
Reply to  dewitsc
1 year ago

Hi profile avatar Dewits Cham

It was a similar example list like the following:


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4 months ago

I don’t have access to the material mentioned in this lesson, Technet PowerShell Commands and Aliases, and the link provided below is also not working.

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Ricardo P(@ricardop)
Reply to  farhada
4 months ago

Hi profile avatar farhad akrami,

The link went offline but I am attaching the list of commands for your reference. 🙂
