Uninstalling an Application
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- In the previous lecture, we created a package called XML Notepad.
Now I will show you how to uninstall that program.
- So, why would you want to uninstall software, perhaps the software is not being used or is no longer needed, and you want to clean up the client computers by removing unused software. Or the installation failed, and you want to remove the program
- From Packages, right-click on the package called XML Notepad, then click create program, then from Program Type take the defaults Standard Program, then click next.
- For a name type XML Notepad-Uninstall
- Now Paste in the uninstall command.
MsiExec.exe /x {FC7BACF0-1FFA-4605-B3B4-A66AB382752D} /qn
- From Run choose hidden
- From Program can run: Whether user is logged in or not
- Then click next, for Requirements, we will except the defaults, click next, then next again click close.
- From the console right click on XML Notepad-Uninstall, and click deploy
- From Software it should read XML Notepad-Uninstall
- From Collection – Select Windows 10 Laptops, click Ok, click next.
- For Content, specify the Content destination. If your distribution point has already chosen, click next.
- From Deployment Settings, Purpose, required (This will automatically removes the software), click next.
- From Scheduling, click new, then click Assign immediately after this event, click Ok then next
- From User Experience click Next
- For Distribution Points take the defaults, then click next
- Click Next, then click close
Now we have deployed this uninstall program. From the software center of the Windows 10 computer, because I chose required, the program should automatically uninstall.
- You can force the policy from configuration manager client.
- Let’s go ahead and open the client. Then click actions, then select machine policy Retrieval & Evaluation Cycle, and click Run Now.
- By default, this policy is runs every 60 minutes. You can force the server to download the policy, so the deployment will run much sooner.
There is also a log file that you can look at called execmgr.log, that is located on the client in C:\Windows\CCM\logs. Here we see the program XML Notepad – Uninstall, with an exit code, is 0, which is success. Then it says that the program was deleted successfully.
Now go back to the control panel and click programs and features, and we see that XML notepad has been removed.
Now click the start button, and you should see XML Notepad removed from the list as well.
So our uninstall program was successful.