Problems using VB – AKM – Rajib
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AKM had problems trying to join a Windows 10 VM to the Domain
AKM wrote
I am trying to join a Windows 10 computer to the domain, but I am getting the message "That the domain couldn't be found. Check the domain name and try again" but I was able to add the SCCM server to the domain.
I wrote,
Before you can join the computer to the domain you need to give that windows 10 machine an appropriate IP address. From a DOS prompt, you should be able to ping the ITFDC01 domain controller from the windows 10 computer.
Mark as the top answer
Then AKM wrote,
From windows 10 Network If I set the IP properties to obtain this IP address automatically the windows 10 computer can connect to the internet but not to my Domain Controller ( if I select a static IP address and use the same IP address as you used, it's not connecting. How can I fix it?
Then I wrote,
Make sure your VM in virtual box, settings, network, attached to: is set to NAT network You can use the static IP address of or whatever you want, just as long as none of your other computers are using that IP address. It should work, you need to be able to ping the Domain Controller.
If that does not work, go to a DOS prompt on the Windows 10 computer, type ipconfig /all, take a screenshot of that and send it to me.
Settings in Virtual Box
NAT network will allow you to communicate internally from server to computer, server to server. It will also allow you to have an internet connection as well.

AKM wrote
Thank you very much. I already fixed that issue. I was not adding my win 10 VM to the NAT network.
Special thanks to AKM for asking this question on the message board. We are glad he was able to figure out his problem as well.
Virtual Box has no selection for Windows 2016
Rajib had a question for the Message Board
In the virtual box manager, when I tried to create a new Virtual machine, I can't see any option to select Windows 2012 (64bit). I can only see Windows 2008 (32bit). I Need help to set up this lab. Thanks in advance
First, I wanted to verify the version of the Virtual box that Rajib had installed on his machine, but it turned out to be the same version as I am currently running on my machine, so the problem was not an issue in the Virtual box. As Rajib said in his virtual box there was no option for Windows server 2012 or 2016.

The solution was provided by Paul Hill. Paul suggested trying to enable Intel Virtualization in the BIOS of the computer. This was the correct solution.
On my Dell laptop Virtualization is a setting that is located in this case in the computer’s BIOS, all I had to do was enable this setting as shown in the slide.

With that option enabled in the BIOS, Virtual box now has the option of creating a Windows server 2016 64 bit VM.
Rajib wrote back that enabling virtualization in his system BIOS worked.
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