Creating Include/Exclude Collections
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Welcome to Creating Include and Exclude Collections
Now I’m going to show you how to Create an Include Collection, which enables us to Include members from another collection.
- Let’s go ahead and open the Console. From the Workspace click Assets and Compliance, From the Navigation Pane, click Device Collections you can already see that I have Created two static device collections with direct rules called StaticC #1 DirectR (1 member) and StaticC #2 DirectR (2 members)
- Right-click. Device collections, click create Device Collection, click name, type Include Collection, Click Browse, choose All Systems, Click Ok, then click Next.
Click Add Rule, then click include Collections, Select Static collection 1 & 2, click ok.
- Click Schedule a Full update on this Collection, click schedule, then click select 2 days. You can change this to days, hours, or minutes. In this case, we will choose two days. That means that every two days, SCCM will go out and check the status of our static collections to see if there are any changes. Click ok
Click Next, next again, then click close.
- If I highlight the Include collection and press F5, to refresh. Notice that the include collection now has three members. So, the include collection is now including Static collection #1 and Static Collection #2
So how can we use Include Collections?
For example, Let’s say we had six collections in our organization. One for Engineering, Finance, Accountants, Book-Keeping, Managers, and one for HR. If you needed to deploy a single application to all six groups, you would need six deployments. But now, with include collections, you could just deploy that application to the Include collection instead of all six.
Now we will Create an Exclude Collection, which enables us to Exclude members from another collection
- From Assets and Compliance, Right-click on device collections, click create Device Collection, for name, type Exclude Collection, Click Browse, choose All Systems, click ok, click next.
- Click Add Rule, click Direct Rule, then click Next. For Value insert, the % sign. This is a wild card that will display all the devices, click next, then click select All, click next, click next again, then click close, click next, next again, then click close. Highlight the Exclude collection, then press F5, now there are three members.
- Rt click newly created Exclude Collection, click properties, click Membership Rules, click Add Rule, then select Exclude Collections. Now select one collection to exclude. In this case, I will exclude Windows Laptops, which has one member, click ok then ok again. Initially, the exclude collection had three members, and I excluded the Windows Laptops collection, so now I should have two members. Highlight the Exclude collection and press F5. I know have two members.
So how can I use an Exclude Collection?
- Let’s say I work in an office and all the computers need Office 2019. The problem is that you could have several computers that are in a unhealthy state (not updated properly or computers that don’t have the CM client installed, or have not logged in for three months) First you create a collection of unhealthy devices, and then exclude those unhealthy devices from the installation. Then you could go ahead and deploy your 2019 Application.
Is there a reason you did not create the “Excluded Collections” for devices directly, just like you did when you were creating the “Included Collections” devices? You first created the collections with a “Direct Rule” and then in the Membership tab of the Excluded Collections you excluded the device you wanted to exclude. Why not create the “Excluded Collections” with the “Excluded Rule” from the start?