Creating an Application using an MSI Part 2
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So far we have completed the first part of our installation by creating our 7-zip application and our x64 bit deployment type. So now what we need to do is create another deployment type within the same application. Now we will create another deployment type for our 32-bit version of the software.
- Now from Software Library, Applications, right click on the application 7-zip 1604 x64
- And click create Deployment Type. Here is where we create our 32-bit installer
- So, this is basically the same procedure as we did before, browse to your x32 bit installation file, click Open. Put in your server name, then click next. At the warning click Yes. Then Click Next.
- From the General Information menu. Change the name for the 32-bit software to 7-zip 1604 MSI_x86
Change Installation Behavior to Install for System, click next
- Requirements, click Add, From Condition choose Operating System, click Windows 10 32 bit, then click ok, then click next, No dependencies, click next again, click next again, then click close.
- So back at the console we have two different deployment types, we have the 64-bit and the 32-bit deployments.
- Priority. Notice that the x64 deployment has a priority of 1 while the 32-bit deployment has a priority of 2. So, what does this mean?
By default, when there is an evaluation process initiated to see if any deployment types for the application match. SCCM will look at the deployment type with the highest priority. Whether that deployment type is processed depends upon the requirements. Which in this case is based upon whether the client’s O/S is windows 64-bit or 32-bit.
- Double Click the 32-bit deployment type
- From General, verify the information
- Programs – Verify the command line commands and parameters.
- Detection Method – Verify that the detection has the Product code.
- User Experience – Change Max runtime to 15 minutes and Estimated install time – 2 minutes, click ok, then apply.
Creating our Collection
- From Assets and Compliance, right click on device collections, and select create device collection.
- From name, type Windows 10 Laptops. Then click browse, then choose All Systems, then click ok. Then click next.
- Click Add Rule, select Direct Rule, then click next.
- Then for value type the % variable, then click next.
- Then select SAWS01, click next, next again, then click close. Click next, and for summary click next, then click close.
- Now you see we have our Windows 10 laptops and a member count of 1. And there is our device SAWS01.
- From the Console, right click on the Application and choose deploy,
- then for Collection click Browse, Then change user collection to device collection. then select Windows 10 Laptops, click Ok, then click next.
- From Content, click Add and click Distribution Point, then deploy to your distribution point in this case choose, click ok, then click next.
- From Deployment Settings
for Action leave it set to Install. Then for Purpose leave it at Available, (this will allow users to choose whether they want to install the application from software center, click next. If all the applications were set to Available, the software center would look an application catalog.
- You could require an approval for that application by enabling an Administrator must approve a request for this application on the device. Then click next.
- Scheduling – Leave the defaults there. Click Next
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