Creating an Application using an EXE
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In this lecture, we are going to create an application based upon an EXE. This one is going to be a little bit more complex and time consuming just because we can't automatically prefill a lot of that detection information that the MSI automatically filled in for us. We will be using Chrome.exe
From the Console Click the software Library, Application Management, then right-click on Applications and click create Application.
- From the Create Application Wizard, the General screen, click Manually specify the application information, then click next.
- From General Information, fill out the Meta Data. You can go ahead and stop the video while you fill out the name, publisher, and software version. Now click next
- Now for Application Catalog, click edit, and let’s choose a User Category. You can click add and create your own categories if you like. These categories will appear in the clients Software Center and will help you organize your applications. I’ll go ahead and choose browser then click ok.
- Now I can fill in some of the details. Browsing out to the Chrome Icon, then click open then click next
- Now lets create our Deployment Type, click Add, from the General Screen, click the down arrow and notice there is no EXE, so we need to choose a script installer. Then click next.
- From General Information, Now type the Deployment Type Name – Chrome 83.106 EXE -x32, then click next.
- From Content, content location, click browse, then go out to the application location, then click select folder. Then type in the Server Name.
- From specify the installation command, click browse, then browse to the install program and double click the exe. So, the installation program is chromesetup.exe
- Now for an EXE, we will need to find out what the silent command line is. A silent install enables the app installation without the user being aware of the installation.
- There are a number of ways to get the command line for the Install and uninstall commands you could try the following methods.
- From the vender. That means you could use google search and type something like silent Install and uninstall command for google chrome.
- Or you could try a blog such as this. I found the install switches from this web site.
Also, I found help with the uninstall switches from here
- In this case, add the following switches. /silent /install.
Finding the Uninstall Command
- Here is a chart to help you find the uninstall command.
- The uninstall command can be found in the registry in one of two places
32 bit App. | 64 bit O/S | HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall |
32 bit App. | 32 bit O/S | HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall – (Main Key) |
64 bit App. | 64 bit O/S | HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall |
- If your deploying a 32-bit app on a 64 bit O/S, you can look here for the uninstall command.
- If you have a 32-bit app on a 32 bit O/S, you can look here (Wow6432Node)
- If you have a 64-bit app on a 64 bit O/S, you can look here (Main Key)
- Because the chrome installer is a 32 bit installer on a 64 bit O/S, the uninstall command can be found in the wow6432 Node.
Let’s Open Regedit
right-click the Start button, then click Run. Now type regedit in the Open box then press return.
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