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Configuring our SASCCM01 Server


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In this lecture, we are going to be configuring our SASCCM01 server by renaming the server, configuring a static IP Address, and joining it to our Windows Domain that we created earlier.

I’ve logged in to the SASCCM01 server and right away I can see that we have a popup for the Windows Admin Center, I am going to click out of that.

We are going to go to the Local Server tab on the left and then we are going to click over next to Ethernet. We are going to click on this blue text that says IPv4.

We are going to right-click over Ethernet and choose Properties.

Next, we are going to uncheck IPv6 since our lab doesn’t really need to use this and we select Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) and we click the Properties button.

Now, I am going to specify a Static IP Address. I am going to select Use the following IP Address. This IP is going to be Now if I press Tab it will autocomplete the Subnet Mask. I can press the tab again and go down to the Default Gateway which is going to be

Now, our preferred DNS server is going to be the Domain Controller which is And this is a requirement for joining our Domain since that is the DNS server for ServerAcademy.com.

So we click OK.

And I am going to click Close.

I’ll select Yes from the right popup window.

And close the Network Connections window.

Now, let’s test our network connection by clicking Start and typing in cmd. Click Command Prompt here on the right side.

I am just going to type ipconfig to view my IP configuration settings and make sure they took effect.

Here I can see the IP version 4 that I configured, the Subnet Mask, and the Default Gateway.

Let’s start by trying to ping the Default Gateway and make sure we are connected to the network. Type ping and press Enter.

Now, we are getting a response and that’s a good thing.

Let’s try to ping google.com and press Enter. That will verify we have Internet connectivity.

Again we are getting another response so we are good to go.

So what we are going to do is exit out of Command Prompt.

And, we are going to rename the computer now and join it to our Windows Domain. Click on the blue link name.

And, from the System Properties window click Change.

I am going to change this to SASCCM01 and I am going to click the Domain Radio button here. Under the domain, we are going to type ServerAcademy.com.

Keep in mind, before we change the DNS settings under the IP configuration we could not join ServerAcademy.com because we did not specify where the DNS server was. If you remember we typed in the DNS IP Address of our Domain Controller, that’s what allows us to join the Domain. Otherwise, if you try to do this in the other order, joining the Domain and then configuring your IP settings you will get an error saying that it couldn’t find the Domain.

Now, I’ll click on the OK button.

And, it’s going to popup with a prompt to enter credentials for the Domain. We are going to use the Domain Administrator account so type Administrator or if you want you can say Administrator@ServerAcademy.com just to verify or just to specify that you just want to use the Administrator Account for ServerAcademy.com and we are going to type the password that we used when we created our SADC01 password. Click OK.

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