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System Center Configuration Manager - Features and Capibilities

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SCCM 1902 Lab Setup

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Installing SCCM 1902 Installation

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Configuration Manager Basics

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Updating SCCM

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SCCM Client Installation

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User and Device Collections

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Application Management

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Operating System Deployment

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Endpoint Protection

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Problems and Solutions from the Message Board

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Collections Overview and the Direct Rule


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Welcome to System Center Configuration Manager Collections

In these next series of lecture’s, we will be exploring collections. 

In this lecture, we will do an overview of the collection process, then I will show you how to create several different types of collections.

So What is a Collection – A collection is a grouping of users or devices. 

A collection can be used as a target for pushing out applications, Assigning Administrative Roles, Turning on Remote Desktop, Configuring Power Management and Maintenance Windows.

Here are the Types of Collections â€“ You have User, Device, Default, and Custom Collections. We will go over each type one at a time.

  • User Collections – Which are for Managing Users
  • Device Collections – For managing Devices or Computers

Then we have Default Collections – Which are made up of User and Device collections – These collections are created during the SCCM installation. SCCM can pull users, devices, and groups from Active Directory.

These collections cannot be changed.

  • Here’s our Default User Collections 

Consists of All User Groups, All Users, All Users, and User Groups

You can identify a Default Collection by the ID, which always begins with a SMS.

 Default Device Collections â€“ Consists of All Desktop and Server Clients, All Mobile Devices, All Systems, and All Unknown Computers (which are computers that are not known to the CM database.

  • SCCM uses Active Directory Discovery Methods to Discover and populate these default User and device collections.
  • Custom Collections – Two types of custom collections - Static and dynamic .

Static Collections â€“ Members are added and removed manually

Dynamic Collections â€“ Members are added dynamically

  • You can identify a Dynamic Collection by the Site Code – In this case the site code is SA, for ServerAcademy  

Collection Membership Rules 

Now we’ll go over Collection Member ship Rules which are Methods of Adding Users or Computers to Collections

  • Direct Rules – You can use this rule to add users or computers. Using this rule members are added manually to a collection.
  • Include Collections – With this rule, you can include members from another collection.
  • Exclude Collections – The exclude collection rule lets you exclude the members of one collection from another collection.
  • Query Rules – You can dynamically add members to a collection based upon a schedule that you can configure. 

Let’s create a User collection with a Direct Rule – Remember, all members must be added or removed manually. This collection is also known as a static collection.

  • From the Workspace click Assets and Compliance, from the Navigation Pane right-click User Collections, then click Create a User Collection, for Name I’ll type User Collection DirectR. Click Browse, click All Users, click ok, then click next.
  • Click Add Rule, Direct Rule, click next. 
  • For Value, add a % (This is used as a wildcard for part or all of the Value) then click next. Then, in this case, I click select all, click next, then next again. Then click close. 

Then click next, then next again, then click close.

Click the collection, then press F5, you now have 8 members in the collection. 

  • The results are that this collection will not be dynamically updated. No devices will be automatically added to the collection. All members must be manually added.

How to remove/add a user using a Collection with a direct rule

  • We will go ahead and rt. Click on User Collection DirectR. Click Properties, click Membership Rules. Scroll down and highlight test user and click delete. Click apply then click Ok. 

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