PowerShell for DNS Part 2
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- For this lecture I’ll will be working with the DNS manager on the IPDC01 server.
- From your Windows 2016 server, login as Domain Administrator.
- Open Server Manager, tools, then open DNS Manager.
- If my DNS looks different than what you’ve seen in the course, that’s because this is our new server that’s been setup for our brand new PowerShell course.
- Keep in mind, you will be able to apply what I show you on any Windows 2016 server.
Let’s take a look at our zone information.
Identifying the Zones will help you when we start typing our PowerShell one liners.
I’ll show you what I mean by one liner’s in a minute.
- Click the server, in this case it’s IPDC01
- You should have a forward and reverse lookup zone configured.
- If you don’t, go ahead and stop the video and complete those two steps.
Now let’s take a look at our zones.
- open the forward lookup zone. Notice the forward lookup zone called instructorpaul.com
- Notice the type of records that are in this Zone. We have our SOA, our Name Server record and we have several host records.
- Now go ahead and click the Reverse lookup zone Notice the name for our zone is 2.0.10.in-addr.arpa
Again, we have our Start of Authority our Name Server record and we several PTR records.
- Now go ahead and minimize the DNS manager and the Server Manager.
Now let’s take a look at PowerShell First thing you’re going to want to do is setup Windows PowerShell ISE to run as administrator.
You won’t be able to run the commands running PowerShell in user mode. Let me show you what I mean.
- Click the search bar, type PowerShell. Now if I just go ahead and click Windows PowerShell it will come up in user mode, but that’s not what we want.
- right click on Windows PowerShell ISE, then click pin to taskbar.
- From the taskbar, right click on the PowerShell Icon, then right click on Windows PowerShell ISE, click properties, then click advanced.
Put a check right beside Run as Administrator. Then click ok apply then ok
Then if we click our PowerShell icon, this is the way it’s going to come up. Notice that is says administrator.
- Ok, now for some basic display configuration. Click Tools, Options, click Colors and Fonts. For Font Family I usually choose Lucida Console and for Font Size I like 16, for presentation purposes, click apply then click ok.
- Let’s go ahead and run a few commands.
- Let’s say from PowerShell you want to check the local server to see what’s installed. We can check to be sure that the windows DNS server role and the RSAT tools have been installed on this server.
- Type Get-WindowsFeature -name *DNS* and Intellisense will complete the command. Now press return.
- As you can see the X’s mean that the DNS server role and DNS Server Tools or RSAT have been installed.
We already know that DNS has been installed on this server, but this is a good command to know if you ever want to check to be sure that the RSAT tools are installed.
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