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Course Introduction

• 10min

0 / 2 lessons complete

DNS Basics

• 1hr 16min

0 / 8 lessons complete

DNS Resource Records

• 46min

0 / 5 lessons complete

DNS Zones

• 3hr 41min

0 / 12 lessons complete

DNS Delegation

• 50min

0 / 4 lessons complete

DNS Security Techniques

• 36min

0 / 5 lessons complete

Advanced DNS Topics

• 22min

0 / 5 lessons complete

DNS Security (DNSSEC)

• 1hr 16min

0 / 6 lessons complete

DNS Policies

• 54min

0 / 6 lessons complete

PowerShell for DNS

• 1hr 27min

0 / 6 lessons complete

Troubleshooting DNS Issues - Troubleshooting Tools

• 1hr 39min

0 / 8 lessons complete

Creating DNS Resource Records


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One of the important considerations to becoming a seasoned pro or an expert in a certain subject is knowing when and where to go when you feel you need additional information. Doctors do it, lawyers do, and IT pros do it as well. That is why I have added these links that will apply to the lectures in each section. On your journey to becoming an expert remember an expert is someone that knows things that the other guy does not know. Good luck and best of all have fun doing it.



Links that relate to the lecture on DNS Resource Records https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc958958.aspx 


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11 months ago

I just want to make sure on something. As per the instructions in “Creating the mytestzone Forward Lookup Zone” we are only directed to make that one specific zone. However in the video series there are other zones and already a reverse zone as highlighted in my screenshot. Were we supposed to create those as well? Because there was no instruction to do so but the video is telling to too. Or is the video just purely demonstrating those things? At this point, we should ONLY have the mytestzone Forward lookup and nothing else.

Last edited 11 months ago by M F
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Ricardo P(@ricardop)
Reply to  mf
11 months ago

Hi profile avatar M F

That’s right. This lab asks just that task. In the next section there are more labs and will need you to create the other type of DNS zones.


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Reply to  Ricardo P
11 months ago

But I don’t understand because in the video Paul points the CNAME of the mytestzone to his itflee.com. We don’t have that, so what are we supposed to do? Create the mytestzone and point the alias straight back to mytestzone?
He creates an alias in his mytestzone and points it to his itflee.com DC. I’ve gone through the videos several times now and followed the instructions as they were given. We have no DC, we just have a server with DNS installed. ITFDC01 with IP No domain, no DC.

Last edited 11 months ago by M F
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Ricardo P(@ricardop)
Reply to  mf
11 months ago

I understand what you mean. The DNS course is not showing how to install AD but we are managing the resources of the domain. What it is shown is the AD DNS from itflee.com. It is like after the Domain installation course so you can assume that. You can go ahead and create the resource and zone with the forward lookup zone of mytestzone.

Through the rest of the videos you might see these small discrepancies and in some cases Paul is just showing the concepts.

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Reply to  Ricardo P
11 months ago

Okay that’s fine. I figured that may be the case after some thought and created two DC’s with DNS just under my own mock domain and just followed along from there.