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Course Introduction

• 12min

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Introduction to Cloud Computing

• 1hr 10min

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The Benefits of using Cloud Services

• 44min

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Azure Cloud Service Types

• 38min

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Core architectural components of Azure

• 2hr 20min

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Compute and Networking Services

• 3hr 14min

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Azure Storage Services

• 1hr 48min

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Azure Identity, Access and Security

• 1hr 54min

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Azure Cost Management

• 1hr 30min

0 / 7 lessons complete

Azure Features and Tools for Governance and Compliance

• 1hr 17min

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Features and Tools for Managing and Deploying Azure Resources

• 54min

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Monitoring Tools in Azure

• 24min

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AZ-900 Practice Exams

• 55min

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Course Conclusion

• 5min

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Create an Azure Resource


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In this lesson, you will learn how to sign into your free Azure account, create a free Virtual Machine (VM), and then delete the VM when it is no longer needed. This step-by-step guide will help you get hands-on experience with Azure services.

Signing Into Your Free Azure Account

First, you'll need to sign into your Azure account to access the Azure Portal and its resources.

Creating a Free Virtual Machine

Next, we'll create a Virtual Machine (VM) using the free tier resources available in your Azure account. This VM will allow you to explore Azure's capabilities without incurring any costs.

When creating resources, make sure you always select "free services eligable" when available. Opting not to select this can incur charges. There is usually a summary screen that will show charges before you incur them.

On this screen you can see the status of the VM creation. You can also see listed ALL of the resources that were created for this Virtual Machine, and their associated resource group.

At the end of this lesson, you need to delete every single one of these resources to avoid using unneccessary credits.

Verify Resource Creation

You can wait for the deploy to complete as shown in the image below:

Azure Deployment Complete
Azure Deployment Complete

I prefer to go directly to my resource group and view the deployment there. Click the blue text that should be named FreeResourcesRG to open the resource group:

Open Resource Group from Azure Deployment Screen
Open Resource Group from Azure Deployment Screen

This will list all the resources in the group:

Azure Resource Group
Azure Resource Group

You should go ahead and connect to the VM using Remote Desktop. Click on FreeVM to open it's settings, and copy the Public IP address:

Copy Azure Public IP Address
Copy Azure Public IP Address

Then hit your Windows key and search for rdp and launch Remote Desktop Connection.

Open Remote Desktop Connection
Open Remote Desktop Connection

Enter the IP address of your Azure VM, then click Connect:

Enter the IP address of your Azure VM
Enter the IP address of your Azure VM

Enter the username and password you created earlier and click OK:

Enter your Azure VM's Username and Password
Enter your Azure VM's Username and Password

Click Yes since we are connecting to our newly create VM:

Connect to VM despite validation errors
Connect to VM despite validation errors

This validation error occurs because this is a new VM with no trusted certificate behind it. This is fine for lab environments so we can safely ignore it.

Azure VM Desktop
Azure VM Desktop

You will then be presented with the Azure VM's desktop! Play around for a bit if you'd like, then close the RDP session or shut down the VM.

Shutting Down Azure VM
Shutting Down Azure VM

Deleting the Virtual Machine

Finally, when you're done using the VM, you can delete it to free up resources and avoid any potential charges or waste of your Azure credits. This is also a good practice to keep your Azure environment clean and organized.

Now click the bell icon in the top bar of the screen, and you can wait for the deletion to complete:

Azure Executing Delete Command
Azure Executing Delete Command

Once it is complete, you will see a success message like this:

Azure Delete Successful
Azure Delete Successful

And that is it! You have successfully created an VM, logged into it, and then deleted several resources. The resource group FreeResourcesRG still exists and will not incur any charges. You can continue to use this Resource Group throughout this course to keep your resources organized.

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