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Course Introduction

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Introduction to Cloud Computing

• 1hr 10min

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The Benefits of using Cloud Services

• 44min

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Azure Cloud Service Types

• 38min

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Core architectural components of Azure

• 2hr 20min

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Compute and Networking Services

• 3hr 14min

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Azure Storage Services

• 1hr 48min

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Azure Identity, Access and Security

• 1hr 54min

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Azure Cost Management

• 1hr 30min

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Azure Features and Tools for Governance and Compliance

• 1hr 17min

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Features and Tools for Managing and Deploying Azure Resources

• 54min

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Monitoring Tools in Azure

• 24min

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AZ-900 Practice Exams

• 55min

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Course Conclusion

• 5min

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Azure Containers


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Azure Containers offer a powerful way to run multiple instances of applications on a single host machine, providing an efficient alternative to traditional virtual machines (VMs). Containers are lightweight, agile, and designed to be created, scaled out, and stopped dynamically, making them ideal for modern application deployment.

What Are Containers?

Containers provide a virtualized environment, similar to VMs, but with a key difference: you don't manage the operating system within a container. Containers package an application and its dependencies, allowing multiple containers to run on a single physical or virtual host. This setup makes containers a more lightweight and efficient solution compared to VMs, especially for dynamic application deployment.

Comparing Virtual Machines and Containers

The main differences between virtual machines and containers revolve around their virtualization levels and resource efficiency. VMs virtualize the hardware, creating an environment that simulates a full computer, including an operating system. This approach offers flexibility and control but can be slow to start up and resource-intensive.

In contrast, containers virtualize the operating system, running multiple lightweight applications on a single host without the overhead of emulating full hardware. Containers can start quickly and share the host OS, making them more efficient and faster to deploy.

Azure Container Instances

Azure Container Instances (ACI) provide the fastest and simplest way to run a container in Azure without managing any virtual machines or additional services. ACI is a platform as a service (PaaS) offering that allows you to upload your containers and let the service run them for you.

Azure Container Apps

Azure Container Apps are similar to container instances but come with additional benefits like load balancing and scaling capabilities. This PaaS offering enables you to get started quickly without managing the underlying infrastructure, providing more elasticity in your application design.

Azure Kubernetes Service

Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) is a container orchestration service that simplifies the management of a large number of containers. AKS handles the lifecycle of containers, making it easier to deploy, manage, and scale containerized applications across a cluster of machines.

Using Containers in Your Solutions

Containers are often used to implement a microservice architecture, breaking down solutions into smaller, independent pieces. For example, you might divide a website into separate containers for the front end, back end, and storage. This modular approach allows you to maintain, scale, or update each component independently.

For instance, if your website's back end reaches capacity but the front end and storage are not stressed, you can scale the back end separately to enhance performance. This flexibility also allows you to change the storage service or modify the front end without affecting the other components.

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