Creating and Deleting Files
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In this lesson, you will learn how to manipulate files on a Linux/Unix system. We will cover essential commands for creating, reading, and modifying files.
Creating Files
(Create Empty File)
The touch
command is used to create empty files. If the file already exists, it updates the file's modification timestamp.
touch filename.txt
(Move/Rename Files)
The mv
command is used to move or rename files and directories. It can be used to change the location or name of a file.
mv oldfile.txt newfile.txt # Renames a file
mv file.txt /path/to/directory # Moves a file
(Copy Files)
The cp
command is used to copy files and directories. It creates a duplicate of the source file in the specified location.
cp sourcefile.txt destination/
(Remove Files)
The rm
command is used to remove files and directories. Be cautious when using it, as deleted files are not recoverable by default.
rm file.txt
(Write to File)
The echo
command is used to write text to a file. It can be used to create or append text to a file.
echo "test" > test.txt # Create a file with "test" content
echo "more text" >> test.txt # Append text to an existing file
we covered:
- touch: Create or update empty files.
- mv: Move or rename files and directories.
- cp: Copy files and directories.
- rm: Remove files (and directories with -r).
- echo: Write or append text to a file.
See you in the next lesson!
Server Academy Members Only
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