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Installing Python on Windows

• 1hr 15min

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Python Basics

• 28min

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Python Variables

• 36min

0 / 8 lessons complete

Even more Python Variables!

• 38min

0 / 6 lessons complete

Conditional Statements

• 15min

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Writing Functions

• 29min

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Python Loops

• 20min

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Python PIP and Modules

• 15min

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• 23min

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Working with APIs

• 12min

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Course Conclusion

• 2min

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In this section, we will be covering several important concepts related to working with variables in Python.

First, we will start by discussing casting, which is the process of converting one data type to another. This is an important concept to understand because it allows us to use the same value in different ways depending on the context.

Next, we will talk about strings, which are used to represent text data in Python. We will cover the different string methods and operations that you can use to manipulate and work with strings in your code.

After that, we will move on to booleans, which are a data type that can only have one of two values: True or False. We will discuss how to use booleans in your code and how they can be combined with other data types to create more complex logical expressions.

We will also cover user input, which allows us to get data from the user while our program is running. This is an important concept to understand because it allows us to create interactive programs that can respond to user input in real-time.

In addition to all of this, we will also cover numbers, which are used to represent numeric data in Python. We will discuss the different numeric data types available in Python and how to perform basic mathematical operations with them.

Finally, we will also talk about the NoneType, which is a special data type that represents the absence of a value. This is an important concept to understand because it allows us to handle situations where a variable does not have a value.

This section will provide you with a solid foundation for working with variables in Python, and by the end of it, you will have a good understanding of the different data types available in Python and how to use them in your code.

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