Assignment: Rock, paper, scissors

Great job learning about loops and functions, students! Now it's time to put your new knowledge to the test with a fun assignment.

For this assignment, you will create a program that plays the classic game Rock Paper Scissors. Here are the rules of the game:

Your program should ask the user for their choice and then randomly choose a choice for the computer. It should then determine the winner of the round and keep track of the score. The game should continue until the user decides to quit.

Example output

Chose an option below: 

0: Rock
1: Paper
2: Scissors

Please select a valid option above: 1

Player's choice: Paper
Computer's choice: Paper

It's a tie!

Try the game here!


Here are some tips to help you get started:

Step 1

Import the Python random module at the top


Step 2

Create variable named choices that is an array of dictionaries that contain two values:


Step 3


    Step 4

    Create a menu that will list all the possible selections and their index (rock, paper, scissors). You can use this code to have access to the index value and choice.


      Step 5

      Prompt the user to select and index shown above and then assign the computer's choice to a variable using the get_computer_choice function


      Step 6

      Output the player's and computer's choice


      Step 6

      Determine the winner by using the choice.get('name') and choice.get('beats')



      Here is the full code solution if you get stuck or if you have completed the challenge and want to see how I solved wrote the program.

      Before you view the code!

      But now that I have guilted you (lol), you can view the full code solution below

      Full code solution

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      profile avatar
      10 months ago

      The full code kind of work. The option to pick pops up but once you choose the option you get hit with an error message talking about line 34

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