Course Conclusion
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Great course. I could follow along and create my VMs.Thanks
Course was great, the AWS section has drastically changed compared to what is shown.
Still very easy to figure out, find my way though.
We are glad that you like the course.
It is sometimes challenging to keep up with AWS with their constant changes to the UI, but the concepts remain the same until they add new features  🙂 .
indeed it has changed, but it’s not easier, I couldn’t connect my instance, it didn’t work.
Yannick Teguimdje
Connecting to the instance can be tricky. Let us know what was the issue if you still need help with it. In the meantime here are some troubleshooting tips to connect to a Windows instance:
Great explanation on using AWS…
Thank you.
Couldnt connect to my instance after following exact procedure from lesson… Tried several attempts from scratch to no avail…
Dusten Maxwell
I have seen your post on the video lesson. I will post another reply there with some questions and steps you can follow.
Most likely your security groups didn’t allow RDP or SSH but it’s hard to tell without any information
Great tutorial. Thanks
Thank you, very helpful tutorials.
I was able to figure out the installation of the EC2, but it would help if your presentation was updated to the look that Amazon has now. But it was a good experience because I had to think a little to figure it out if that makes sense. GREAT LESSON
Linton Smith
We are glad you were able to figure out the installation of the EC2 instance.
We are trying to keep up with the changes in Amazon’s user interface. Each week they are adding new services and moving certain elements around that it is difficult to keep up with all of them. We appreciate your feedback.
Very very nice….I am looking forward to an exciting adventure.
great course , i could follow along and create my VMs ,thanks
Wow, what a great experience! The videos were great. The last set of videos had some flickers on them, but I don’t know if it was my laptop. Great job!!!
Course was great, the AWS section has drastically changed compared to what is shown.
Still very easy to figure out, find my way though.
THANKS SIR Great course. I could follow along and create my VMs
Excellent course! Clear and to-the-point. Thanks!
Great lesson. I also enjoyed being introduced to the process of how you would use a cloud service to host a lab. I have created a Hyper-V lab on my laptop. I have a DC and two test PC’s. They are on a NAT virtual switch. The can talk to each other, but I can’t get the DC on the internet. I was told it was possible to use the NAT virtual switch on the host to access the internet, but I have yet been able to to this. I was curious if a paid subscription to the Server Academy could help me?
John Booze
Check if these steps help:
Thank you
great course. AWS definitely changed since this course was made I guess but still pretty easy to figure out. I don’t know what happened but when I fallow all the instructions at the end I wasn’t able to launch my instance and get to the windows server 2016.
Gervais Yameogo
There might be different reasons why it didn’t work. Did it create the instance while going through the wizard? If it was created, do you see it running? If it is running, does the RDP port is allowed? If you can connect to the EC2 and get the prompt for username and password then everything should work. Credentials would be the last thing to check.
Awesome course!