Design Secure Access to AWS Resources


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Secure access is one of the most important considerations when designing any AWS architecture. You should define how users, tools, and applications interact with AWS services and the data hosted there. This includes, for example, who can create or terminate AWS resources, when access is granted to your AWS resources, and any interactions involving AWS service calls.

AWS Root User

When you first create an AWS account, you begin with a single root user. This root user has unrestricted access to all resources and services in the AWS account. It is created using the email address and password you provided during the account setup process.

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AWS Root User Login

Why You Get the Root User:

Why You Should Not Continue to Use the Root AWS Account

While the root user is essential for initial setup, continuing to use it for daily operations poses significant security risks:

Securing the Root User

To mitigate the risks associated with the root user, implement the following best practices:

1. Enable Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

2. Limit Root User Usage

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