The Linux cat Command

Introduction to the cat Command The cat command in Linux is one of the most frequently used commands in Unix-like operating systems. It stands for “concatenate” and is primarily used to read, display, and concatenate text files. Understanding the cat command is essential for anyone working with Linux, as it…

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    Introduction to the cat Command

    The cat command in Linux is one of the most frequently used commands in Unix-like operating systems. It stands for “concatenate” and is primarily used to read, display, and concatenate text files. Understanding the cat command is essential for anyone working with Linux, as it offers a simple yet powerful way to manage file content from the command line.

    Linux Cat Command
    Linux Cat Command

    Brief History and Purpose

    The cat command has been a part of Unix since its early days, making it a staple in Linux distributions. Its primary purpose is to concatenate and display the content of files, enabling users to easily view and combine files without needing a text editor. This makes it a versatile tool for quickly inspecting file contents, merging files, and redirecting output to other commands or files.

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    Basic Syntax

    The basic syntax of the cat command is straightforward:

    cat [OPTION] [FILE]
    • [OPTION]... refers to the various options you can use with cat to modify its behavior.
    • [FILE]... represents one or more files you want to display or concatenate.

    For example, to display the content of a single file, you can use:

    cat filename.txt

    To concatenate multiple files into a single output, you can use:

    cat file1.txt file2.txt > combined.txt

    In this example, the content of file1.txt and file2.txt is combined and redirected into combined.txt.

    We at Server Academy emphasize mastering fundamental Linux commands like cat to enhance your productivity and streamline your workflows. For a more comprehensive understanding of Linux commands and their applications, check out our [Linux Essentials Course] at

    This introduction sets the stage for exploring the versatile uses of the cat command, from basic file viewing to more advanced file manipulation techniques.

    Advanced Cat Command Options

    The cat command offers several advanced options that can significantly enhance its functionality. Understanding these options will allow you to perform more complex operations with ease. Here, we will introduce these options and provide a comprehensive table for quick reference.

    Table with All Options

    -AShow all characters, including non-printing characters and line endings.
    -bNumber non-blank output lines.
    -eEquivalent to -vE, shows non-printing characters and ends lines with $.
    -EDisplay $ at the end of each line.
    -nNumber all output lines.
    -sSqueeze multiple adjacent blank lines into a single blank line.
    -TDisplay tab characters as ^I.
    -vShow non-printing characters, except for tabs and end-of-line characters.

    Numbering Lines

    To number all lines in a file, use the -n option:

    cat -n filename.txt

    This command will prepend a line number to each line in filename.txt, which is useful for debugging and documentation.

    Showing Non-Printing Characters

    The -v option displays non-printing characters in a visible format:

    cat -v filename.txt

    This is helpful when you need to see hidden characters that may be affecting your file’s processing.

    Squeezing Blank Lines

    To reduce multiple blank lines to a single blank line, use the -s option:

    cat -s filename.txt

    This option cleans up files by removing excessive blank lines, making the content more readable.

    By leveraging these advanced options, you can customize the output of the cat command to suit your specific needs. For a more detailed exploration of these features and other powerful Linux commands, check out our [Linux Essentials Course] at

    Creating and Writing to Files with the Linux Cat Command

    The cat command is not only useful for reading files but also for creating and writing to them. This section will cover how to use cat to create new files and append content to existing files.

    Creating New Files

    To create a new file with cat, use the following syntax:

    cat > newfile.txt

    After running this command, you can type the content you want to include in newfile.txt. To save the file and exit, press Ctrl + D.


    cat > myfile.txt
    This is a new file created using the cat command.
    Press Ctrl + D to save and exit.

    This command will create a file named myfile.txt with the specified content.

    Appending Content to Files

    To append content to an existing file, use the >> operator:

    cat >> existingfile.txt

    Type the text you want to append and press Ctrl + D to save and exit.


    cat >> myfile.txt
    This is additional content appended to the existing file.
    Press Ctrl + D to save and exit.

    This command will append the specified content to myfile.txt.

    By using the cat command to create and write to files, you can quickly and efficiently manage file content directly from the command line. For more practical examples and in-depth tutorials, consider enrolling in our [Linux Essentials Course] at

    Redirecting Output with the Cat Command

    The cat command is often used in conjunction with redirection operators to manage the output more effectively. This section will cover how to redirect the output of cat to files and other destinations.

    Redirecting Standard Output with Cat

    To redirect the output of cat to a file, use the > operator. This will overwrite the existing file or create a new one if it doesn’t exist:

    cat file1.txt > output.txt

    In this example, the content of file1.txt is redirected to output.txt, replacing any existing content in output.txt.

    Redirecting Output to Multiple Files with the Linux Cat Command

    To redirect the output of cat to multiple files, you can use the tee command, which reads from standard input and writes to standard output and files:

    cat file1.txt | tee file2.txt file3.txt

    This command will display the content of file1.txt on the terminal and simultaneously write it to file2.txt and file3.txt.

    By understanding how to redirect output with the cat command, you can streamline your workflow and efficiently manage file contents. For more advanced usage and practical exercises, check out our [Linux Essentials Course] at

    Using tac for Reverse Display instead of the Cat Command

    The cat command has a counterpart called tac, which displays file content in reverse order. This can be useful for specific tasks that require the last lines to appear first.

    Using tac

    To display the contents of a file in reverse order, use the tac command:

    tac filename.txt

    This command will show the last line of filename.txt first, followed by the second-to-last line, and so on, until it reaches the beginning of the file.


    tac example.txt

    If example.txt contains:

    Line 1
    Line 2
    Line 3

    The output will be:

    Line 3
    Line 2
    Line 1

    Using tac in conjunction with other commands and scripts can add flexibility to file content manipulation, especially when dealing with logs or data where reverse order is beneficial. For more advanced techniques and command combinations, consider exploring our [Linux Essentials Course] at

    Combining Operations with the Linux Cat Command

    The cat command can be combined with other commands to perform more complex operations. This flexibility makes it a powerful tool for processing text and data in Linux.

    Using with grep with Cat

    You can use cat in combination with grep to search for specific patterns within files:

    cat filename.txt | grep "search_term"

    This command will display lines in filename.txt that contain the specified “search_term”.


    cat log.txt | grep "ERROR"

    This example will show all lines in log.txt that contain the word “ERROR”.

    Using Cat with less

    To view the content of a file page by page, use cat with less:

    cat filename.txt | less

    This command allows you to scroll through the file content interactively, which is useful for large files.


    cat largefile.txt | less

    Using with Pipes with the Linux Cat Command

    Pipes (|) are used to pass the output of one command as input to another. For example, you can combine cat with sort to sort the contents of a file:

    cat filename.txt | sort


    cat unsorted.txt | sort

    This command will display the sorted content of unsorted.txt.

    By combining cat with other commands, you can create powerful command-line operations for text processing. For more advanced command combinations and practical applications, explore our [Linux Essentials Course] at


    The cat command in Linux is an essential tool for managing file content, from simple viewing to advanced file manipulations. Its versatility allows users to concatenate, display, and manipulate files efficiently. By mastering the basic usage, advanced options, file creation, and redirection techniques, you can enhance your productivity and streamline your workflows in the Linux environment.

    For those looking to deepen their understanding and gain hands-on experience with Linux commands, we recommend taking our free Linux Fundamentals at This course covers all fundamental commands and practical applications, helping you become proficient in Linux.

    Thank you for reading, and feel free to leave comments or questions below!



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    Paul Hill

    Paul Hill is the founder of and IT instructor to over 500,000 students online!