Python Loops Challenge!

Here's another exercise for creating a menu system in Python using loops and arrays:

Write a Python program that allows the user to choose from a list of options for a restaurant menu. The program should display the menu options and ask the user to select one. Then, it should display the details of the selected menu item, including its name, description, and price.

Here's an example of how the program should work:

Welcome to our restaurant! Here is our menu:

1. Pizza - $10
2. Burger - $8
3. Salad - $5

Please select an option: 2

You have selected: Burger
Description: Juicy beef patty with lettuce, tomato, and cheese
Price: $8

To complete this exercise, you'll need to create an array of menu items, each with its own name, description, and price. Then, you'll need to use a while loop to display the menu options and ask the user to select one. Finally, you'll need to use the user's input to look up the selected menu item in the array and display its details.


Hint 1
Hint 2
Hint 3


Code solution

I hope this exercise helps you practice using loops and arrays to create a menu system in Python. See you in the next lesson!

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